Wolf River Memphis

The Wolf River activity will re-establish wetlands and other flood storage to accommodate water flow thereby protecting nearby and downstream homes. In conjunction with the wetland restoration, this activity also provides for completion of the Wolf River Greenway connection, the 18-mile foundational trail of the regional Greenprint network, repair and upgrades of two local parks and creation of a green street.

Orchi Road Connector

In 2011, twenty homes were flooded on Orchi Road and Kendrick Street as stormwater overtopped Orchi Road from the north side. The Orchi connector activity will elevate a section of the road approximately six feet to prevent future overtopping in similar storm events and create a wetland pond for stormwater storage. A pivotal local connector, Orchi Road will be reconstructed as a Complete Street with bicycle facilities along the north side of the road which will provide a direct connection between the neighborhoods and the Wolf River Greenway.


Rodney Baber Park, Frayser

During the 2011 disasters, this park was inundated by floodwaters which destroyed the electrical infrastructure. This activity will raise the site above the floodplain while adding flood storage and stormwater capacity. Following the infill and infrastructure repair, upgrades for Rodney Baber Park will include recreational facilities, a fishing lake, trails, a new wetland area and existing wetland preservation.

Kennedy Park, Raleigh

To reduce downstream flooding, the Wolf River’s wetlands in the Kennedy Park area will be expanded to provide detention areas and water quality buffers. Park amenities will also be upgraded to include a soccer field which will also serve as a flood detention area and other park infrastructure.

Environmental Review – Authority to Use Grant Funds

Below are links to a complete copy of the Wolf River Environmental Assessment, as well as copies of the County’s request to HUD to use grant funds on the Wolf River Project, and HUD’s subsequent approval. With HUD’s approval, the County has been cleared to begin construction on the Wolf River Greenway and associated stream improvements.

Wolf River Environmental Assessment – CDBG Worksheets

Wolf River Environmental Assessment – Attachments

Authority to Use Grant Funds

Request for Release of Funds

Public Notice of Environmental Review

Below is a link to the notice that Shelby County Government posted, stating that it had conducted an evaluation, as required by Executive Order 11988, to determine the potential affect that its activity in wetlands and the floodplain will have on the human environment for the Wolf River Wetland Restoration and Greenway project, under the HUD National Disaster Resiliency Grant.

Letter to FEMA – 1st 8-Step Ad

Letter to FEMA – 2nd 8-Step Ad